This is a message from John Pagani, from the Cafe Royal in Annan. We as a school, would like to thank John, his team and others who have donated to this special fund.
I hope this finds you well in this difficult time. I am writing to let you know about a new initiative at the Cafe Royal to offer and share a little bit of cheer through, what has been one of the most difficult years in recent history. The Chip in to Tuck in Fund was inspired by a local gentleman who has donated a substantial amount in order that we could help out people who couldn’t afford to purchase a take away meal or perhaps, felt like a little treat but didn’t have the funds to hand. The gentlemen donated £400 which we have matched, equating to 160 meals. Since its launch last Monday this has increased to over £2000.
I have reached out to social services and Kates kitchen, it has also been viewed on social media by over 30,000 people in order to let those in need know about our initiative.
This is not charity, this is other people in our lovely town sharing what they have with others that might need it a little more than them. Our staff have been fully trained to ensure that there is no sense of embarrassment and I can assure you that every individual who comes into the shop, either in the café or for a takeaway will be treated with the upmost respect and the warm welcome that we hope we extend to all our customers.
Kind regards
John Pagani
The Chip in to Tuck in Fund