Today, pupils from Primary Four and Five took part in the tri-golf tournament which is held annually at our school.
Well done to everyone for doing your best today and congratulations to the following pupils:-
Boys competition winners were:-
1st place - Riley 2nd place - William 3rd place - Sean
Endeavour Award: Jaiden
Girls competition winners were:-
1st place -Grace 2nd place - Penny 3rd place - Alex
Our thanks goes to Mrs Mannall for organising this event, Mrs Proudfoot, Miss Walker and to all of the ladies from Powfoot Golf Club who come every year to support this event. Your help was very much appreciated.
The cup and medals that were presented were sponsored by the Creighton family in memory of the late Kian, so our thanks goes to them. Kian did, for many years, present our pupils with their awards and it is so nice that in his memory, this event continues.
Tri Golf Tournament 2022