
Cross Country Information

Reminder - Could all children who attend Cross Country Club please bring a change of running shoes and a change of socks as they will be running on the field as well as doing fitness indoors.  It would be a good idea if these were old trainers as they will get very wet/muddy and bring a spare bag to put them in.


Re-opening of School

Good afternoon,
I hope that you are all safe and well and there has not been too much damage to your property.  We have had a visual inspection of our school yesterday, and in view of this, it is now safe for the children to return.  We ask that they do not gather round the outdoor classroom as the windmill has been damaged.
In view of there being a loss of power to many homes in our area, I am happy for children and staff to come to school in non-uniform tomorrow.  This is optional.
We will return to uniform on Tuesday.


School Closure

Due to the storm warning forecast tomorrow, the Local Authority have made the decision to close all school within the region to both staff and pupils.



School Closure

Due to the storm warning forecast tomorrow, the Local Authority have made the decision to close all school within the region to both staff and pupils.




Good morning!
I know that some of you will be aware of the pending high winds coming to our area tomorrow, and in view of this, we are awaiting information from the local authority about the possibility of school closure to ensure safety of pupils, parents and staff.
Hopefully, I will be able to update you this afternoon but it might be wise to make alternative arrangements for child care tomorrow.



Good morning!
I know that some of you will be aware of the pending high winds coming to our area tomorrow, and in view of this, we are awaiting information from the local authority about the possibility of school closure to ensure safety of pupils, parents and staff.
Hopefully, I will be able to update you this afternoon but it might be wise to make alternative arrangements for child care tomorrow.


After School Choir

There will be no choir practice on Tuesday 28th January.  This will resume again the following week.


Catchment Forms for P7 to Secondary School and NEC Forms

Can catchment forms for secondary school and NEC Forms please be returned to the school by Friday 24th January.



For those of you who have not done so already, can you please complete the email to give permission for your child to attend.  The cost of this is £10.00 which is required by Monday 27th January.



For those of you who have signed up to Bikeability, your child will bring home today a consent form.  Please complete and return this to the school.
