
NURSERY- Welcome Back !

We hope you have all had an enjoyable and safe summer holidays. 
A reminder that children return on Wednesday 21st August. 

If you need to contact us for any urgent changes or information sharing needs, before then staff are available from Monday 19th after 11am via telephone or email to Mrs Gallagher. 


NURSERY- Learning Assistant Staffing August 2024

We are delighted to confirm that our Learning Assistants for August 2024 will be Mrs Lynn McHugh who will be with us 5 days each week 9-3pm and Miss Karla Castle who will be with us Monday-Wednesdays 9-3pm. 
The parents of children who receive support will be informed of when this takes place each week and with whom. 


Lunch Change - 21st August

On the first day back at school on 21st August there will be a slight change to the hot meal menu, the 2 options will be:

Sausages with chips and beans
Cheese Panini

This will not be changed on iPayimpact, so if your child would like Sausages please select Steak Pie and if they would like Cheese Panini 
please select Fish Finger Wrap.  Baked Potato, Sandwich or Wrap will still be available.

Many thanks,


Lunch Change - 21st August

On the first day back at school on 21st August there will be a slight change to the hot meal menu, the 2 options will be:

Sausages with chips and beans
Cheese Panini

This will not be changed on iPayimpact, so if your child would like Sausages please select Steak Pie and if they would like Cheese Panini 
please select Fish Finger Wrap.  Baked Potato, Sandwich or Wrap will still be available.

Many thanks,


End of Term Message

As we reach the end of this academic year, I would like to thank all pupils, families, staff and our local community for your support in making this another successful year.
This year we bid goodbye to Miss Quince, Miss Young, Miss Bell, Miss Chan and Miss Rodger. Hopefully we will see some of you come back in the future. Mrs Mannall is also 'officially' retiring after supporting the school for many years following her retirement many years ago and my thanks to her.
I would also like to wish our Primary 7 pupils luck as they make the transition to secondary school and I hope to hear good things about you all.  The pupils will be piped out today at 2:35pm.  Although the pupils in P1-3 will wave the P7s off in the main playground, they will be collected from their normal place following the school bell. 
As we head into our summer holidays, I would like to wish you all a safe summer break and look forward to seeing you all return.  I am looking forward to greeting our new Primary One and nursery pupils in August too.
So on behalf of all staff here at Newington Primary School, have a lovely summer break and I hope the weather improves for us all.
Mrs Ferguson


End of Term Message

As we reach the end of this academic year, I would like to thank all pupils, families, staff and our local community for your support in making this another successful year.
This year we bid goodbye to Miss Quince, Miss Young, Miss Bell, Miss Chan and Miss Rodger. Hopefully we will see some of you come back in the future. Mrs Mannall is also 'officially' retiring after supporting the school for many years following her retirement many years ago and my thanks to her.
I would also like to wish our Primary 7 pupils luck as they make the transition to secondary school and I hope to hear good things about you all.  The pupils will be piped out today at 2:35pm.  Although the pupils in P1-3 will wave the P7s off in the main playground, they will be collected from their normal place following the school bell. 
As we head into our summer holidays, I would like to wish you all a safe summer break and look forward to seeing you all return.  I am looking forward to greeting our new Primary One and nursery pupils in August too.
So on behalf of all staff here at Newington Primary School, have a lovely summer break and I hope the weather improves for us all.
Mrs Ferguson


Multi Permission Form - New P1s

For all children starting P1 after the summer

If you have not already done so, can you please reply to the email regarding the multi permission form before the start of the new term (21st August).  Please check both inbox and junk mail.

If you would like the email resent, please text the Absence/Information Line on 07860029432.

Thank you




For those parents of children going in to Primary1 in August who have not yet saved their child's Learning Journals Profile, the last opportunity to do this is BEFORE Monday 1st July.

On Monday morning they will be de-activated and no access to them will be possible. 

If you want to save your child's profile you will need to do this yourself by using the ' Profile to PDF' ( located on the left of the page) to export the profile and save it,  before it is deactivated. I have been advised this needs done on a laptop or PC, as the file is too large to download to a phone. 


NURSERY- Last Day Arrangements REMINDER

In the afternoon of Monday 1st July the whole nursery are going to Newington Leisure Centre for a Soft Play session, leaving nursery at 1pm and returning by 3pm.

All children are invited to this so if your child normally goes home before 1pm they can stay on and have a buffet lunch and walk with us to the centre. If your child does not normally attend on that day, please bring them to nursery for 1pm to walk with their key group.

All parents (including younger siblings)  are invited to come with us and can either walk there with nursery from 1pm,  or meet us at the leisure centre for 1.30pm.

Pick up for all children will be 3pm. 



Can all children going to Primary 1 after the holidays please be in nursery before 8.45am today if possible so we can join the rest of the school at the church service this morning. 

Apologies for the short notice. 
